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The Elephant in the room

The Lantern Vol 4

Do we really need to hear from victims of child abuse? The church in February of 2019 asked child abuse victims from all over the world to visit the Vatican and a synod on child abuse.

Why? What do we not understand or comprehend? The elephant is in the room and everyone can see it. These escapades of public relations sessions make me ill. What does the Pope or Cardinals or Bishops or priest or anyone, still need to hear or not understand? This is reminiscent or the crisis in America a decade ago when Cardinal McCarrick , the molester in chief at the time, held hearings. Let me make it clear.

Priests do not rape young children, priests do not rape young adults, priest do not violate animals, priests do not commit adultery, priests do not solicit prostitution.

Bishops do not rape young children, Bishops do not rape young adults, Bishops do not sleep with their priests or seminarians, bishops do not violate animals, Bishops do not commit adultery, Bishops do not solicit prostitution.

Cardinals do not rape young children, Cardinals do not sleep with their bishops , priests, seminarians. Cardinals do not rape young adults, cardinals do not violate animals, cardinals do not commit adultery, Cardinals do not solicit prostitution.

What do I mean by they don't do this, when they have? The men who perpetrate these crimes are not true men of the cloth but wolves masquerading as such. So why do we live a lie and allow the to continue in this state?

We have an immoral syndicate operating the church. An orchestrated, systematic hierarchy ,constructed to allow the molestation of untold numbers of faithful Catholics. Cardinals, Bishops and clergy have shared practices, policies, and procedures for a worldwide scandal. This we know ! We also know that many of these men have been sharing their beds with the culprits or each other so why are we going to these same people and having them listen to our cries? This is like going to the mafia Dons to complain about their henchmen. The word is out on this abuse. It is no secret, there is plenty of evidence and sadly tens of thousands of victims. We play games and lie to the public as if we just can’t figure out what is wrong.

Over the past ten years the church has thrown out maybe a few hundred clergy because of abuse. The problem is, that according to church teaching, they need to remove over 200,000 clergy.

Each time one of these problem bishops or cardinals or priests comment on this situation they try to defend it by lying about the churches eternal teachings. God has not changed just because they want to have sex.

We have decades of evil men many who are not valid priests acting as pastors and spiritual leaders in the church. We have allowed and are fully aware of what the problem is in the church. Sexually active priests, bishops and cardinals who abuse their faithful and teach a Gospel counter to Christ to justify their activities.

This situation reminds me of St Jerome’s famous quote when referring to the church,

“The whole world groaned, and was astonished to find itself Arian.”

Today the whole world grounded and found itself committing adultery.

There, I saved the church millions of dollars in expenses and investigations.

The answer is easy, practice what you preach. The church has known the answer for centuries but failed to protect the faithful because the hierarchy is involved. The corruption is widespread, the church leadership is filled with sexual perverts. All the Pope needs to do is set the bar and quit acting, yes acting, like he cannot figure this out. Your friends, your advisers, your leadership, all need to be Catholic. They need to live the faith. If not, throw them out. The church is a family and we are tired of the domestic violence.

We are all the children of God, and guess what, the children can see the elephant in the room, and we know the Pope does too.

George Foster

I am a Catholic Layman who has been fighting church corruption for over 15 years.

White Collar Crimes
My personal story is available on Amazon 
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