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In 2018, a Grand Jury in Pennsylvania released its second report on child sex abuse in the Catholic

Church.  I had been anxiously awaiting this second report because of what I had uncovered over the


years.  The first Grand Jury report focused on our diocese, the second exposed the entire state.



In the Altoona -Johnstown Diocese the problem of sexually active priests had often crossed 


state lines.  The case on Brother Stephen Baker first had links to Ohio.  I was often told of men who


were "thrown out" of Rome for sexual exploits only to be returned to ministry in the United States and


later our diocese.  I had complaints and an anonymous letter telling of our local priests who traveled to


Puerto Rico to continue their sexual escapades.  The personal stories from victims presented cover-


ups that extended into the markets of Harrisburg, Erie and Pittsburgh. 


I always believed my role was to focus on the events in my own back yard, but I realized after the first


Grand Jury report that the investigation would spread.  I deliberately hid this fact from you my readers


in order to not jeopardize the investigation.  Today, I still withhold some of this knowledge in hopes


that research and further investigations reveal the truth.  My purpose is not to act as the media with


some breaking story but rather to expose and correct corruption with the help of all of God's children.

The second Grand Jury report finally opened the eyes of not only the people in Pennsylvania but the


world.  We had finally exposed enough of the cancer in the Church that people not only took notice 

but they joined the fight.  Our fight for God's Holy Church.



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