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This page will try to enlighten its readers to the lies and distortions that we have been fed by our Bishops and priests and the reasons why.


First let’s look at some of the arguments used to diffuse the child molestation that has rocked the church.


1. The Catholic church has no more child molesters that the general public so we should not be alarmed.


First of all this is something to be ashamed of!  The Catholic Church is supposed to be the moral leader of the world with higher standards.  Would you accept the statement that your police force has the same number of drug users and prostitutes as the rest of the general population?


Secondly this hides the fact that the damage done by these molesters is far greater than society.  Most organizations when confronted with this issue deal with it so it never happens again.  The church leaders have spend hundreds of millions of dollars aiding and abetting these men.  Paying to hide their crimes and bullying victims into silence.  What other organizations have hid these activities by moving these molesters around to hide their past?


2. Changing the statutes of limitations is unfair because people forget things and witnesses die.


People’s memories fade when we have actively helped that to happen.  The Catholic Bishops have used stall tactics, lied to its membership, and intimidated witnesses to stall, delay and avoid the legal consequences. These issues are only old because the church leaders have made them that way.


Secondly, these laws don’t change the burden of proof for either side.  We are just giving people the opportunity to use the American Justice system as it was designed because they were cheated and deceived by the authorities they went to.


3. The Catholic Church will be bankrupt and we do a lot of good with our organizations.


First, These dioceses has done something terribly wrong.  Our penal code is meant to be blind, not recognizing or distinguishing between people or entities.  If a local drug chain pharmacists were knowingly dispensing  poison and when they got caught, they just moved these people around would we have the same thought?  Don’t bankrupt this pharmacy, look at all the good drugs they deliver?  


Secondly, many organizations recover from bankruptcy.  IF, IF, IF,  this is fixed, the Catholic faithful will be there with their money in the future.  The church has an unending revenue source so this is a stupid argument.


Thirdly, Catholics are following a faith!  I have no problem receiving the sacraments from the back of a bus if I know my kids, family and friends are safe from child molesters and corrupt men posing as priests.  I don’t care if we sell every building and stop every service until corruption is weeded out.  

4. They will take our churches and we will have to close our schools.


First , We have been closing churches and schools for decades because the Bishops have failed to protect the faithful. WHY?


The numbers of practicing catholic faithful has diminished due in part to these scandals.

The Bishops have underestimated the vast number of people who no longer practice because of the hypocrisy of their administrations.  The laity have know for decades about the molesters but we  just didn’t recognize how widespread it was.  

We know about the priests boyfriends and girlfriends and those who violated our kids.  Families knew and told their families and sometimes friends.  Lay people witnessed the activities for decades and many fell away from the church.

Our numbers are a direct reflection of how the Bishops have led the church or more accurately failed to lead the church.


Secondly, the Bishops have been bullies when we don’t let them have their way.  They want to have things both ways.  The church teaches us that the assets of the parish belong to that parish.  For legal and administrative reasons the parish assets are all in the name of the bishops.  

Over the past several decades the Bishops have consolidated parishes against the wishes of the parishes. When they wanted to do that they argued they controlled and owned the assets.  Our bishops have no problem stealing from us.


Once we started getting sued they insisted the parish owned the assets.  They tried to have things both ways, but since they lied in the first place the courts ruled against them.


If the Bishops had acted as they should have we wouldn’t have this problem!

After the lawsuits started Bishops began to separate the assets as they should have, most noticeably putting the high schools in the hands of the people.


Quit telling us they will close our schools since you have already done it.  Turn them back over to the parishes and let us run them.  This is part of the intimidation that these men use to punish and scare Catholics into supporting their decisions.

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