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The Battle for Free Will

The Lantern Vol.43

While I hate to have to comment on vaccine news it is the top story that continues to grab everyone's attention. Many times the debate does cross over into the ethical world of morality.

This week President Biden said that “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin” regarding the unvaccinated.

Whenever a politician tells us they are tired of the electorate in any way it is time to worry.

The idea is to bully or force people into compliance with a vaccine mandate.

In America, we talk about the freedom of the individual, but this goes much deeper than that.

We are discussing whether or not people have free will. The God-given right to choose their own destiny.

In society, we have set very rigid guidelines on enforcing something that takes away someone's basic rights and nothing is more basic than free will.

People are wrongly trying to refer to precedents of other court cases where forced vaccines have been held up in court. What they tend to ignore are the history and the current facts.

This is in no way like any other vaccine. It is not made of genetic material from the virus rather it is a genetic gene therapy.

We cannot compare any previous vaccine with these we have today. Previous Vaccines went through years of safety studies.

We have no idea of the true number of adverse effects of these new vaccines in the short or long term. We do have thousands of recorded deaths and permanent health injuries. Hundreds if not thousands of videos or testimonies on Bitchute and other platforms from people telling of permanent disabilities or death that they relate to the vaccine. If videos were good for George Floyd, why are they not good for vaccine injuries?

Please understand these sites will publish anything but is that not better than sites that only publish one side. Few people questioned the floyd video. You listen to these people and you decide. They are some of the most prominent scientists in the world giving another opinion.

If you have not seen these videos then shame on you. It is the other side of the discussion. WXYZ television in Detroit reached out to its viewers asking for stories of lost loved ones who were unvaccinated. What they got was over 180 thousand responses, the vast majority of which were vaccine injuries and deaths. This is just one television audience.

If any other Vaccine had caused this many problems it would have been stripped from the market.

People have begun to ask why all the vaccine information is coming from other countries while we have the FDA and CDC in our own backyard. The answer is simple, we are not looking for answers or data we are just pushing an agenda.

In Australia, doctors cannot prescribe many types of drugs to help patients because they believe it will reduce vaccination.

Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia said,

"Firstly, there are a number of significant public health risks associated with taking ivermectin in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 infection rather than getting vaccinated. Individuals who believe that they are protected from infection by taking ivermectin may choose not to get tested or to seek medical care if they experience symptoms. Doing so has the potential to spread the risk of COVID-19 infection throughout the community."

So this and other drugs with proven records of saving lives are still being withheld to force people to get vaccinated.

There are at least 44 peer-reviewed studies, 31 randomized controlled trials and real-world experience indicate it is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19. The same is occurring here in the United States. People are dying because we won’t give them simple medical assistance until it is too late.

Dr. Kobi Haviv the director of the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem said 85-90 percent of hospitalizations are fully vaccinated, people. He said the effectiveness of the vaccine is waning. “It is really fading”. In Israel, you have a country that is considered vaccinated and they had 8,000 cases as of mid-August. So the answer they have is to get vaccinated again and again and again.

I have seen people try to use the same vaccine logic as you would with the smallpox vaccine, yet the possible side effects of the smallpox vaccine were not death, heart attacks, strokes, palsy etc., etc.

Likewise, you never had people take a vaccine, say smallpox, and then have a huge outbreak of smallpox from the same people. We have never taken vaccines over and over again in a short time frame such as this. We have to stop trying to compare previous vaccine logic to this situation because they have nothing in common.

We have become a nation of bullies and selfish people. If the hospitals really have a lot of covid cases, so what, it was their choice. We have many people on the front lines showing us these numbers are really being manipulated. The CDC reported this week that 45 percent of these hospital numbers are probably false. Nurses on the front lines are reporting large increases of heart ailments that are not being reported. Why are people being reluctant in taking the vaccine? Because they are studying and researching the other side of the argument.

It is not as if only the unvaccinated are spreading the virus, we know that this happens with the vaccinated. The previous Vice President of the W.H.O. says we have more to fear from the vaccinated. Israel and Britain have surging cases of vaccinated covid people. In Britain, as of last week, of the people who got covid and died within 30 days, you're were 70% more likely to die if you're vaccinated. Department of Health in England Briefing 22 Sept 3rd page 22 Deaths within 28 days of positive specimen date all cases 1,798 unvaccinated 536 vaccinated 1,262 70%. That is the data.

Israel just published a vast study and found that people who have covid have much greater immunity to the new variants.

“ This model showed 256 total cases of infection, 238 were ‘breakthrough infections’ of the vaccinated and COVID naive, while 19 were reinfections among the unvaccinated, previously infected group. Adjusting for comorbidities, vaccinated COVID-naïve people had 13 times greater risk for infection than did the previously infected.”

“Of 199 symptomatic cases, 191 were among the vaccinated, just 8 were among the previously infected. After adjusting for comorbidities, researchers found the vaccinated were 27 times more likely to suffer a symptomatic case of the virus in comparison to the risk previously infected people had of having symptomatic reinfection case.

Now, many people are looking at this data to show natural immunity is stronger than vaccines, yet no one is noting the obvious. The study showed if you had covid natural immunity and then were vaccinated you lost that multiplier.

Those who had covid are being asked to put themselves and others at greater risk by being vaccinated. Let me say that again. You reduce the natural immunity in people that had covid by vaccinating them, and that puts everyone at greater risk.

Yet, we ignore science to push an agenda. The idea seems to pit Americans against each other. We have censored free speech and now we wish to end free will.

This rejection of science is not new in America we see it every day. A male can be a woman and vice versa. A baby is not a human because we decided to kill it.

This seems less and less about a virus and more about a system of Government suppressing the people and most importantly rejecting God.

The argument for vaccination seems to be it is too important for discussion, the common good must prevail. This argument has existed since the beginning of our country. Should everyone be forced or coerced to be Catholic, if that is best for everyone? That argument for the soul is greater than the argument of the body and yet no one would hear of it.

God gave us free will and it is the basis of our Constitution, not the other way around.

People are quick to throw out other people's freedoms depending on the emergency at hand. Freedoms are something that can be discussed in times of great difficulty but free will should never be forsaken.

George Foster

I am a Catholic Layman who has been fighting church corruption for over 15 years.

White Collar Crimes
My personal story is available on Amazon 
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