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The new blessings for the satanic mass and sexually active clerics

The Lantern Vol. 56

On December 18th the Vatican released the Declaration Fiducia Supplicans

On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings Presentation.

The following is a link to the document.  Yes, I know I can just hyperlink this to the article but I want to keep it simple because the document does quite the opposite.

In my many years of fighting sexual abuse in the church I have become used to documents and teachings such as this. I believe I have mentioned before that the devil is not deliberate in his actions, so as to not make things obvious. He uses indirect thoughts and confusion to spread his errors.  I have always advised people who talk about unapproved apparitions to see what the fruits of the apparitions are. The devil being an angel (fallen) still retains his supernatural powers. We should always be on the lookout to make sure what kind of angel is visiting us, what messages we are receiving.  I am reminded of this during the Christmas season. Zechariah laughs and questions the Angel who visits him. His doubt of God’s will causes him to be mute until the birth of John.  In contrast the Blessed mother questions the Angel  and based on the Angel's answer knows it is the will of God. Mary is not questioning God’s power rather the messenger's authenticity.

The Devil spreads his message with lots of truth and few subtle errors.  This is what we get from this latest declaration of blessings.  

The first hesitation I come across is the notion that Jesus blesses God.  “Jesus blesses the Father in the famous hymn of praise and exultation he addressed to him: “I praise you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth” (Mt. 11:25).”   

He praises God His father, I am hesitant to believe God the Father is blessed by His Son (God).  I find this to be a questionable point. I guess when you're trying to make up something from nothing you just throw in whatever you can find to try and support your argument.

Other than this point, the document repeatedly points out how blessings should and should not be used. Such is also the meaning of the Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which states that the Church does not have the power to impart blessings on unions of persons of the same sex. Then, in a turning point, contradicts itself and every example it gives with the following statement.  

“21. In order to help us understand the value of a more pastoral approach to blessings, Pope Francis urges us to contemplate, with an attitude of faith and fatherly mercy, the fact that “when one asks for a blessing, one is expressing a petition for God’s assistance, a plea to live better, and confidence in a Father who can help us live better.” 

This tactic of the Pope and the Congregation has been used in American political circles for generations, just redefine something, change the definition. Start with a falsehood then try and build your point around it. We point out we cannot do this but to be “pastoral” we disobey God.

Yes, I agree a blessing asks for God's assistance but you cannot get away from the concept and intent that a blessing also implies God’s acceptance. Someone asking for God’s cooperation.  That is what Grace is. God gives us His grace, His life, to live in His love. We cannot ask for God's grace to live apart from Him.  We cannot give consent or the appearance of consent to disobey God’s will.

After a lengthy explanation of a blessing, the doctrine endorses the opposite implementation and paragraph 41 at the end sums up the thoughts of this new invention.

41. What has been said in this Declaration regarding the blessings of same-sex couples is sufficient to guide the prudent and fatherly discernment of ordained ministers in this regard. Thus, beyond the guidance provided above, no further responses should be expected about possible ways to regulate details or practicalities regarding blessings of this type.[26]

The Vatican has released a free for all and then has already had to publish clarifications because of the outrage. Their “clarifications” will not inhibit the fire they’ve ignited. 

This document is a clarification of the church's teaching and then some sorted plan on how to get around it in practice. We have a document full of truths and then errors to confuse the faithful.  A document that causes scandal and division in and of itself.  

I anticipated this for several years, and knew we would see something like this in the near future after all the talk on the Synod of Synods. They spent months questioning church doctrine because the church, especially the Vatican, is mired in the muck of sexual immorality and those in charge intend to justify these actions. After the synod they confirmed Church teachings and people were quick to point out that we were worried about nothing. This is the fruit of that evil, spend months discussing established doctrine and teachings as if they can be changed then later change it. 

For decades we have been told how the church leaders “addressed the child abuse problem”  only to find that the heads of the committee to rectify child abuse were themselves child molesters.  As Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal McCarrick was a leading participant in the Dallas Charter. The John Jay study was 20 years ago and we continue to find diocese after diocese indicted by civil authorities for continuing to hide priests. 

This document is just one more coverup for sexual corruption. How so? First of all, why do we have a document to discuss “the possibility of blessings for couples in irregular situations and for couples of the same sex, the form of which should not be fixed ritually by ecclesial authorities to avoid producing confusion with the blessing proper to the Sacrament of Marriage.”

Anyone can ask for forgiveness and ask God’s grace for healing and conversion.  Why all of a sudden do we need to categorize sinners?  I have a real problem identifying people as the way they act out their fallen nature. We are all children of God with fallen natures. I do not become a type of sinner as if my inclinations somehow identify me or define me other than a child of God.  It seems by identifying someone as a certain type of sinner therefore absolves any type of lifestyle contrary to God. It establishes a mindset that God created them opposed to His nature which cannot be true. Therefore we try to redefine what is God’s teaching rather than recognize we all have different inclinations which can be controlled with grace.  It is our lack of grace that causes us to love ourselves and this is a result of original sin. 

This document is more about a justification of the sexual abuse of the laity and it’s coverup by church officials. This is not about problems in the church, but rather more cover for the clerical.  Let me explain further. 

The document is about blessing irregular “sexual unions” so what are we talking about?

What first probably comes to mind is married and divorced and remarried couples outside of Christ’s church.  This would also include homosexual relations and all irregular unions.  Theologically this also allows a priest to bless pedophile relations and beastiality, in effect, any “irregular sexual union.”   

The Bishops who allowed our children to be molested for decades and hid it for the “good of the church”  might have been correct.  They can actually confer a blessing on this situation.  You see this document is just another approach to justify the immoral behavior of sexually active priests.  This document completely ignores the “near occasion of sin.”  On the contrary we now can bless the near occasion of sin.  Christ teaches us,  "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery;' but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. Matthew 27-28

Yet, the Vatican has now told us not only can you have these thoughts you can live in an immoral situation and the Church can grant its blessing, God’s blessing.  

Here is how it was explained to me.

In Catholic Theology if the Church clarifies that a situation may no longer be sinful (as in cremation) then this redeems the past actions of those individuals who committed this. This is why in priests' interviews and depositions arising from the child abuse investigations many think their actions will be justified in the future.  The testimonies I heard were “this is what priests do” , and “the teaching on homosexuality will change.” 

Well, Pope Francis is working his way there. We have to soothe the conscience of immoral priests,

bishops (recent example) and popes by trying to change theology to fit their actions and agenda.  Church leaders were fine with priests having sexual attractions to each other and living together for decades, the fruits of which we all paid the price for. 

Now we have to ask the question.  If a blessing can be applied to a situation contrary to God’s law and will, in the hope of bringing God’s grace, then any situation could be blessed because you're only asking for God’s grace. We can be giving blessings to abortion clinics and the satanic mass because we are just praying for God's grace. The Satanic mass is valid but not licit, so would we bless this because we are really asking for God’s grace?  I have a really unique idea or suggestion for Pope Francis.  A sacrament where if people want to ask God’s graces for change, they can do so.  We will call it something like….Confession or Reconciliation.  But that is not the intention here. The intention is not to have the moral courage to defend Christ’s teachings or correct those who have fallen and help them to change. To bring them to Christ’s love through confession where they would have to admit they have done something wrong. Because that would mean they are wrong too. This document is to simply justify immoral behavior of clerics and religious.

In June of 1972 Pope Paul VI wrote “the smoke of Satan has entered the Church of God.”

This perverted document on fake blessings that Pope Francis approved is just another example of the smoke of Satan in the sanctuary or more correctly the current Pope burning down the Church.  We are told by Christ to look for the signs that are so clear. This document is a clear sign something is wrong with this Pope and the people he has recruited.  On the Pope’s birthday, the day before this document was released, lightning struck a statue next to a church in his home country of Argentina.  It did not strike the church roof, it  did not strike the lightning rod secured to the building.  It struck the statue of St Peter in front of the church, cutting off the hand that was holding the keys representing the Pope's power.  Maybe just a coincidence.  But if you don’t think there is a problem, just use Pope Francis’s direction in your life.  When your friend says he is having an affair with your wife just say, “I give you God's blessing” and see if they stop.  If they are having sex with your dog because he believes they are partners, refer them to your parish priest for a blessing. If he says he is molesting your children, just ask if he wants a blessing. This Pope thinks Christ’s church has had it wrong for 2000 years. I disagree, and to conclude I leave you all today with the responsorial songs for the Feast of the Solemnity when I began writing this blog.

“May God have pity on us and bless us; may he let his face shine upon us.  So may your way be  known upon earth; among all nations, your salvation. May the nations be glad and exult because you rule the peoples in equity; the nations on the earth you guide.  May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you! May God bless us ,and may all the ends of the earth fear him!”

Editors note: The halo had been removed previously only the keys were removed by lighting.

George Foster

I am a Catholic Layman who has been fighting church corruption for over 15 years.

White Collar Crimes
My personal story is available on Amazon 
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